Samuel Sothoron (of Samuel)

Samuel Sothoron married Henrietta Bruce 9 January 1783 at All Faith by Reverend John Stephen, Rector. (Brumbaugh* 2:536)

Samuel Sothoron married Henrietta Bruce. (* {Church Records - Batch # M533601, Source 0013148}, 1783.01.09)

Samuel Sothoron married to Henrietta Bruce on 9 January 1783 by the Rev. John Stephen. (Fresco(1)* :274)

See brother Richard’s Notes for military activity in 1776 & 1794.

List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)

Page No. Name
49 Sothoron, Charles
71 Sothoron, Henry G.
81 Sothoron, John I. (sic)
  Sothoron, Levin
  Sothoron, Richard
  Sothoron, Samuel
90 Sothoron, Francis
  Sothoron, Henry
  Sothoron, John
99 Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel
  Sothoron, Sam.

** Federal Census schedules - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

1790 Census (1790.08.02) - pg 109 - Samuel Sothoron

Free white males 16 & older...1

1800 Census (1800.08.04) - pg 12, Ln 40 - Samuel Southern

Free white males 45+...1
females under 10...3
10 - 15...2
16 - 24...1
Other free...1

1810 Census (1810.08.06) - Pg 244 (169) - Samuel Sotherin

Free white males under 10...1
10 - 15...1
females under 10...1
10 - 15...5

** Land records - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

From father’s will of 1767 is to receive Trumans Lott (father’s home place), household goods & livestock upon death or remarriage of mother Jane. (see father’s Notes for details).

Nathan Thomas & Elizabeth his wife, Jesse Lock, Sarah Lock, Susannah Suite, Samuel & Henrietta Sothoron & William Bruce of St. Mary’s Co. deed for £93.15 to Thomas Barber of same Co., Westham, 87 acres. (Abstracts TH#25 {StM#1}:505, 1806.05.01, Recorded 1806.06.02)

 From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 174": Samuel Sothoron, Deed to John McWilliams Trumans Lot, Littleworth in all - 190 a. (Chron St. Mary’s 30:#12:11, Recorded 1812.07.25)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 180": Samuel Sothoron, Deed to William Bruce (of Calvert) Littleworth - 25 a. Trumans Lot - 60 a. (Chron St. Mary’s 30:#12:11, Recorded 1813.08.18)

Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to William Bruce for $1,000, Littleworth, 25 acres and Truman's Lot, 60 acres. (Abstracts TH#27:150, 1813.02.20, Recorded 1813.10.12)

Indenture of 3 September 1834 between Samuel Sothoron of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $100 Samuel conveys hs one fourth part of following tracts, now in possession of Richard: "Sothoron's Hills," about 51 acres; "Sothoron's Supply," about 21 acres; "Long Yorkshire," about 25 acres. Signed by Samuel Sothoron, witnessed by H. Fowler & Charles C. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 9 Sept 1834. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:187)

** Land Office Debt Books - in the name of Samuel Sothoron, St. Mary’s Co., MD

Year      Lib:Fol      Tract Acres
1773 41:14 Truman’s Lot       40
1774 41:15 Truman’s Lott 40
    Littleworth 35

** Tax Assessment Records


Samuel Sothoron, Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co., MD (Fenwick*)

--- 1801 Assessment. Slaves: 0. Lands: Trumans Lott, 165 acres. Personal: 27.0.0. Total: 192.0.0.

--- 1806 Assessment. Slaves: 0. Lands: Trumans Lot, 165 acres; Little Worth, 25 acres. Personal: 37.5.0. Total: 221.0.0

--- 1812 Assessment (Real Estate only). .Lands: Trumans Lot, 165 acres; Little Worth, 25 acres. Total: 183.15.0.

--- 1812 Assessment (Upper New Town Hundred, St. Mary’s Co.) Lands: Pt. St. Johns, 230 acres. Total: 172.10.0.

--- 1821 Assessment (Dist. 3 or 4). Slaves: 0. Lands: Pt. St. Johns, 230 acres. Total: 460.


Richard & Samuel Sotheron listed together on the 1765 Tax List for Upper Resurrection Hundred.  (MD Genealogical Society web page - from MSA Microfilm SR4543)

** Church activity - All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

Henry G. Sothoron replaced Richard Sothoron as vestryman, the latter becoming warden of the new Church. Pews in the new church were auctioned: Jane, John & Samuel Sothoron bought #8; Henry G. Sothoron & Thomas Bond bought #20; Richard, Samuel & Richard Jr. Sothoron bought #24. (MD Hist Mag 31:28, 1769.03.27)

Many parishioners came forth with subscriptions of tobacco, including Henry G., Richard, Levin, Richard Sr. & Samuel Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, 1781.04.16)

** Estate - St. Mary’s Co., Maryland

Inventory of Samuel Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd, by order dated 8 June 1835. Includes only clothing and personal items, valued at $19.93¾. Attested on 14 July 1835 by Richard C. Sothoron, administrator. (Orphans Court EIM#3{MSA CR-35708}:477, 1835.07.13, Recorded 1835.07.14)

Additional final account of Richard C. Sothoron, administrator in estate of Samuel Sothoron. Notes overpaid assets of $16.67½. (Admin Accts GC#1{MSA WK-282-283}:337, 1836.12.06, Recorded 1836.12.06)

Second account of Norris M. Jones & wife, administrators of the estate of Samuel Sothoron. Various credits & debits, balance $17,233.71¾. (Admin Accts GC#1{MSA WK-282-283}:390, 1839.03.13, Recorded 1839.03.13)

Third account of Norris M. Jones & wife, administrators of the estate of Samuel Sothoron. Various credits & debits, net value $16,256.65¼. (Admin Accts GC#1{MSA WK-282-283}:391, 1839.03.13, Recorded 1839.03.13)

** Miscellaneous - St. Mary’s Co., MD

Samuel Sothoron named overseer of roads for division 2, Upper Resurrection Hundred - served through 1806. (County Road Book {MSA 18,578), 1803)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 170": Richd Hayden, To Samuel Sothoron (Chattel). (Chron St. Mary’s 25:#9:7, Recorded 1811.08.06)

Notice of tax delinquencies, with property at risk of being sold, includes Saml Sothoron; pt of St. Johns, 230 acres. (Dixon*, 1827-1829.:394, Reported 1829.05.21)

Saml Sothoron is in arrears for 1832 taxes on pt. John’s; 230 acres. (Dixon*, 1832-1833.:332, Reported 1833.05.14)

Saml Sothoron is delinquent in paying 1833 taxes on part of St. John’s - 230 acs. (Dixon*, 1834-1835.:247, Reported 1834.11.29)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.